The Local Government Unit of Villasis headed by Mayor Nato S. Abrenica donated 14 Units of DUPLO Digital Duplicating Machine with master rolls, 114 pcs inks to the 14 Clustered Schools(District I, II & High School), 35 Printers, 257 flash drive(USB), Alcohol, Facemask, and Faceshields to all public school teachers here in Villasis. This was in line with the on-going support to the education sector’s blended learning program (modular) amidst the Covid19 pandemic.
Mayor Nato’s earnestness to find a way to help the schools come up with the idea of utilizing the SEF for the purchase of these duplicating machines, faster and more economical way in printing modules. This assistance augments the school’s effort to help ensure the continuity of education here in Villasis.